@article{oai:yamazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000026, author = {丸尾, 幸嗣 and Maruo, Kohji}, issue = {1}, journal = {動物研究, Studies in Animals}, month = {Mar}, note = {伴侶動物の社会は高齢社会となり、犬や猫のがんが増加している。動物の進行がんや難治性がんは、ヒトと同様に完治は難しい。がんを克服するためには、革新的治療法の開発とともに、がん予防研究の進展が望まれる。そのためには、がんの発生状況や予後などの情報を把握できるがん登録制度の活用が不可欠である。国内外における伴侶動物のがん登録制度の現状を俯瞰し、今後の課題について考察する。(著者抄録), The society of companion animals has become an aged society, and the cancer in dogs and cats is on the rise. As is the care with humans, advanced or refractory cancers in companion animals are difficult to cure. In order to overcome cancer, it is necessary not only to develop innovative therapies but also promote cancer prevention research. To realize this goal, it is essential to utilize a registration system that can grasp information such as the occurrence situation and prognosis of cancer. In this study, we investigate at the current status of the cancer registration system of companion animals both in Japan and abroad and consider future problems.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {犬と猫におけるがん登録制度の現状と課題}, year = {2019}, yomi = {マルオ, コウジ} }